
Extra practice sheet for the practice purpose .

Chapter :- Heat & It's Transfer


Extra practice sheet for the practice purpose .

Chapter :- Acid ,Base & salts


Extra practice sheet for the practice purpose .

Chapter :- Fiber and fabric


Extra practice sheet for the practice purpose .

Chapter :- Physical and chemical changes


Extra practice sheet for the practice purpose .

Chapter :- Motion and time


Date :- 10\06\2022
Flow charts of Chapter 1 (Nutrition in plants)




Q-1) Fill in the blanks.
a) The pipes from each house or a building are connected ________ .
b) The mainhole are located at a distance of on an average  at _______ .
c) Waste water flowing through the drainage pipes is called ______ .
d) Most septic tanks are installed ________.
Q-2) What is sewage ?
Q-3) What is meant by grey water and black water?
Q-4) Which sources of wastewater can be immediately controlled by us?
Q-5) Write the composition of wastewater ?
Q-6) Why is wastewater treatment so important ?
Q-7) Describe the three process of primary treatment ?
Q-8)  Explain tertiary wastewater treatment?
Q-9)  Explain secondary treatment.
Q-10)Name two inorganic impurities present in sewage.
Q-11)Animal waste, oil and urea are some of the organic impurities present in sewage. Name two more organic impurities present in sewage.
Q-12)Name two alternative arrangements for sewage disposal where there is no sewerage system.
Q-13)  A man travelling in a train threw an empty packet of food on the platform. Do you think this is a proper waste disposal method? Elaborate.
Q-14) Why should we not throw
        (a) used tea leaves into sink?
 (b) cooking oil and fats down the drain?

Q-1) Define the following.
a) Solenoid           c) Short circuit
b) Electric fuse      d)Voltmeter
Q-2) What will happen if we replace the wires with rubber bands?why?
Q-3) What will happen if you keep the wires,bulb and cell remains connected for long time ?
Q-4)What is electromagnet ?
Q-5) Write the applications of electromagnets ?
Q-6) How are electromagnets useful to doctors ?
Q-7) State three ways in which electromagnets differ from magnets.
Q-8) Draw the symbols of cell,battery.closed switch(on),open switch(off),bulb,wire.
Q-9) What is the use of switch in an electric circuits ?
Q-10) What is heating effect of an electric current ?
Q-11) What is lighting effect of an electricity ?
Q-12) What is MCB ?
Q-13) Difference between electric current &electric circuit ?
Q-14) Why are fuse wire not used in circuit containing electric cell ?
Q-15) What is magnetic field ?
Q-16) Name the device used these days in place of electric fuses in electrical circuits.
Q-17) Write three effects of electricity ?
Q-18) Name the scientist who discovered the magnetic effect of electric current.

Q-1)  Explain how forests prevent floods?
Q-2) Explain how forests prevent soil erosion?
Q-3) Explain how forests maintain supply of nutrients?
Q-4) Explain how forests serves as a source of tourism and recreation?
Q-5) What role does decomposer play in forest?
Q-6) Explain the importance of forest?
Q-7) Explain the importance of forest?
Q-8) Explain how forest affects our food chain?
Q-9) Why forest floor seemed to be dark coloured?
Q-10) What is a food web?
Q-11) What do you mean by canopy?
Q-12) Differentiate between humus and decomposers?
Q-13) Which forests are called jewel of the Earth and world largest pharmacy &Why?
Q-14) Explain how increase in population can cause of deforestation?
Q-15) List the ways to conserve forests.
Q-16) Write down the adverse effects caused by deforestation?
Q-17) Discuss the role of forest in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbondioxide in the atmosphere?
Q-18) Write down causes of global warming?
Q-19) State the consequence when one food chain is disturbed in an ecosystem.
Q-20) What is food web?

Q-1) What is bioluminescence ? Give two examples.
Q-2) Design an activity to show that light always travels in a straight 
Q-3)Write the difference between specular reflection and diffused reflection.
Q-4) State the characteristics of image formed by a concave convex mirror.
Q-5) What do you mean by reflection ?
Q-6 ) State the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror?
Q-7)  Why the word ‘AMBULANCE’ is painted left right inversed on vehicle?
Q-8) State the principle  used in creating a mirror image?
Q-9) State the uses of concave and convex mirror?
Q-10) What is virtual image? Give example.
Q-11) What is real image? Give example.
Q-12) What is other name for concave lens?
Q-14) What kind of image is formed by concave lens?
Q-15) What kind of image is formed by convex lens?
Q-16) State various applications of lenses?
Q-17) What is a lens?
Q-18) Write the difference between mirror and lens?
Q-19) Write uses of concave and convex lens?
Q20) What is the principal focus of a lens?
Q-21) Define the following.
  a)    Centre of curvature 
  b)    Radius of curvature
  c)     Pole
  d)    Principal axis
  e)    Focus and focal point
  f)      Focal length

STD:- VII                  SUB:- SCI  CH:- DURATION OF MOTION
Q-1) Write the difference between rest and motion ?
Q-2) Write the difference between slow and fast motion? give example.
Q-3) What is the full form of FPS system of measurement?
Q-4) What is the full form of CGS system of measurement?
Q-5) What kind of motion is exhibited by
   a)     Earth during rotation and revolution
   b)    A moving swing
Q-6) What is the full form of MKS system of measurement?
Q-7) Define the following.
   a)     Sundial
   b)    Sandclock
  c)     Water clocks
  d)    A day
   e)     A night
Q-8) What is time period of simple pendulum?
Q-9) Write the formulae to calculate speed?
Q-10) What is speedometer and write its uses.
Q-11) A bus moving at an average speed of 55 km/h takes 6 hours to reach its destination.Find the distance covered by the bus.
Q-12) What is odometer and write its uses?
Q-13) Arman takes 50 minutes to travel to school by car. The odometer of the car shows that car has travelled at a 55 km distance. Calculate the speed of the car.
Q-14) Fill in the blanks.
  a)     The standard unit of length is __________.
  b)    The standard unit of mass is _________. 
  c)     The standard unit of time is _________.
  d)    The standard unit of temperature is ________.
  e)     The sand clock is also called an ___________.

                                   PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
STD:-VII                  SUB:- SCI           CH:THE TREASURE BENEATH OUR FEET
Q-1) Define the following.
  a)    Humus
  b)    Weathering
  c)     Soil horizons
  d)    Soil Profile
  e)    Bedrock
   f  )      Absorption capacity
  g)    Percolation of water
Q-2) Explain the different types of soil and give example?
Q-3)Write the properties of soil and explain it?
Q-4) Define soil erosion and soil pollution and write its causes.
Q-5) Describe the different ways of soil conservation.
Q-6) Which crop grows well in clayey soil ?
Q-7) What are the natural causes if soil erosion ?
Q-8) Which type of soil has the greatest percolation rate?
Q-9) How to calculate rate of percolation?
Q-10) How to calculate absorption capacity of soil?
Q-11) Which type of soil is considered the best for agriculture and gardenging?
Q-12) Which type of soil has the largest particles?
Multiple Choice Questions
1.      The microorganisms present in the soil require moisture (water) and nutrients for growth and survival. Choose from the options below the habitat (place) where the soil has plenty of water and nutrients.
§  (a) Desert
§  (b) Forest
§  (c) Open field
§  (d) Cricket ground
2 Availability of water and minerals in the soil for maximum absorption by roots is in the

§  (a) B-horizon
§  (b) C-horizon
§  (c) A-horizon
§  (d) surface of soil
3.Soil conservation measures are mainly aimed at protecting which of the following?
§  (a) Plants
§  (b) Top soil
§  (c) Sub soil
§  (d) Soil organisms
4.Read the following statements with reference to soil.
(i) Weathering is a very fast process of soil formation.
(ii) Percolation of water is faster in sandy soils.
(iii) Loamy soil contains only sand and clay.
(iv) Top soil contains the maximum amount of humus.