Math: Write an introduction of Pythagoras with his photo and the Pythagoras theorem in the Portfolio.
Material Required: 2- A4 size light color paper, glue, geometry box, scissor, colors.
Sci: Complete ch- 4 and submit NB and WB on Friday.
Dear Parents,
Project (10 marks ) Click the below Project work link to open the PDF
Last Date of Submission : 29/08/2022
Math : complete the review Ex.
Math : complete Review ex. of ch- 10.
Hindi : complete Ch- Samas in workbook.
हिंदी : प्रत्यय : प्रश्न - 2,3,5 हिंदी कॉपी में करें l
यह पाठ अभ्यास पुस्तिका में भी पूर्ण करें I
Math : Q1(c), Q2(c), Q3(c, d) of Ex 10.4.
P.S: Please bring two lunch boxes for tomorrow.
Science : Weekly Syllabus
Ch - Motion and Time
Hindi : पाठ - उपसर्ग - प्रश्न - 3,5,7 हिंदी कॉपी में करो l
यह पाठ अभ्यास पुस्तिका में भी पूर्ण करें l
Math : Ex 10.3 Q-1(c, d), Q4
Gourmet Club
Materials required for Saturday club activity (06.08.2022)
Recipe- Chat pata sprout with healthy pizza
1. Finely chopped Onion
2. Finely chopped tomato
3. Finely chopped cucumber
4. Sprout moong dal
5. Sprout black chana
6. Small cubes of Paneer
7. Peanuts
8. Salt as per taste
9. Rosted cumin seeds (jira powder)
10. Black pepper powder
11. Chat Masala
12. Finely chopped green chilli
13.Finely chopped coriander
14. lemon juice
15. Big bowl
16. Spoon, Serving plate
17, Bread and Sauce
18. 1 small bowl for round shape cutting.
Hindi : complete ch - Ling in workbook.
Math : complete Q-2 and 3 of review ex in NB
Gourmet Club
Materials required for Saturday club activity (30.07.2022)
Recipe- Chatpata Krakjack
1.Krackjack biscuit-1 packet
2. Cheese Slice
3. Slices of tomato
4. Slices of onion
5. Slices of cucumber
6. Chopped coriander
7. Chat masala
8. Tomato ketchup
9. Black pepper powder
10. Plate-2
11. Sev
12. Boiled mashed potatoes
13. Finely chopped onion, tomato, capsicum
14. Spoon
15. Mayonnaise
Summer Vacation Homework-2022-23
(Grade-6-9) (English Activity)
1. Read a children's novel of your choice. You may pick up books on adventures, mysteries, classics, autobiographies (written by self), biographies (written by someone else), fiction, travelogues, etc.
2. Copy/draw the cover page with the title of the novel and author's name.
3. Write down the blurb/introduction (a short description of the content that is printed on the back of the cover of the novel).
4. Introduce the main characters. Draw a sketch of each of them.
5. Write a short summary of the story.
6. Illustrate/draw any incident or event that you find interesting.(All the illustrations must be on the left and text/writing on the right side).
7. Write about the character you liked the most and the character you disliked. Give reasons.
8. Your personal experiences - could you relate to any of the characters in the story? Why / Why not?
9. If you want to change any part of the story, which part you will change and why? What will be the changed part?
Headings for the Book Review:
1. Cover page (Draw, mention the name of the book & Author) 2. Blurb (Introduction)
3. List all main characters with illustrations
4. Summary of the novel
5. Interesting Incident
6. Characters I liked
7. Characters I disliked
8. My personal experiences...
9. Back/Last page: Name, Class & Roll No.
Please Note:
∙ Print-outs and/or photocopies are not allowed. ∙ Comics and horror stories are not allowed.
∙ Order of the book review must not be changed. ∙ Children can decorate their book reviews
∙ Everything must be hand-written or drawn.
∙ All the pages must be bound properly.
SUBMISSION DATE: After Summer Vacation
Hindi : monday hindi weekly test,viram chinh,ashudhi shodhan , kriya
Math : multiple assessment test is on friday
Math : pen paper test on tuesday 03/03/2020
His : do Q.5 in n.b. of architectural trail
Hindi : abhyas pustika pg 95 Q.1,2,3
Eng: complete your w.b.
Hindi : pen paper test on 2/3/2020 ct3 ct4 grammar syllabus
Hindi : vyakran w.b. kriya Q.1,kalQ.1, viram chinha Q.1
27/02/2020 (Home work)
Hindi: Kaal que no. 3,7 in notebook
Sci : pen paper test on sat.full syllabus
Math : math ex.19.1
His/civ : Do Q.5 and 6 of ch-magnum opus of medieval period
Geo : weekly test of SS on 5/3/2020 thrusday CT-4
se- ex 12.2 q.1 (c,d,e,f)
geo-complete n.b exercise of all the chapters by 24/2/20
disaster management do q.3 ,4,5 in n.b
hindi-vyakran kriya pra 3,4,7,8,9 copy mei kare
math- extra question
Hindi :kriya padhkar aiye
Math : ex.12.1 Q.5
Hindi : vyakran kriya padhkar aiye
His : complete the opns of ch-19
PCB : complete w.b. and n.b. of ch.16
Hindi : vyakran Q.4
Math : complete w.b. , complete rev.worksheet
Eng : l.no. 13 of e.e.
Sci : weekly test will be on sat. ch-19
Hindi : viram chinha padhkar aiye
Hin : 1,4,6 copy mai karo
Geo : test on friday
Sci : revise topic done in class
T.L : chitra varnan
Math : Q.5,6,7 of 17.1
Hin : vismayadibodhak shabd Q.3,4,6
Geo : read the ch-disaster management
Hin : vyakran sansar Q.2,3,4,5,6
His : enrichment activity of religious movement on Tuesday
Hindi : w.b. pg 89,90
Geo : complete ch-12,13 in n.b. & w.b. by thursday , read ch-14
Hindi : w.b. rahim ke dohe Q.4,5 w.b. 37, Q.4 pg no.38,Q.5
Sci : complete ch-19 in n.b.
PCB : Do Q.8 (a,b) 6,5(b,c,d) in n.b. ch-19
Eng : Complete Q.1 on pg 164 in g.g.
Math : complete rev.ex.
eng : complete Q.2,3 on pg 159 &160
Hindi : Path-16 padhkar aiye
His : revise the content done
Comp : Do Q.2,3,4, in n.b. pg 66
SS : prepare ch-temp grassland for quiz
Hindi : pra 1,2,6,4 kopy me karo (pg 124)
Math : solve w.b.
Hindi : rahim ke dohe padhkar aiye
Math : Complete rev ex.
Hindi : Q.1,2,3,6 copy mai karo
Eng : Find question answers
SS : Read the ch-12 for discussion on monday
PCB : Bring chart paper and sketch pen on thrusday for project.
Math- exercise 15.2 upto Q-9
Eng - find the answers of Que-2-a,b
Hindi - pandubba jahaj prashn , kathin shabd yaad karo
Math : Ex.15.1 Q.6 ,8,10
Hindi : path 11 meri dayri , bhasha samjhe Q.3 pustak mai karo
Civics : revise the content done.
Guj : ude re gulal shadarth
Sans : shadarth , prashnouttar
Math - ex- 15.1 remaining sum of Q- 2 to 4
Science - Q-5(c) , Q-8 (a,b) Q-9 (b) in n.b
Hindi : vyakran lokoktiyan yad karke aiye
Geo : find the location given on pg 85,93 of t.b.
Hindi : sanya yad karke aiye
Hindi : kaksha vyakran pariksha vachan
Hindi : kaksha pariksha path karak 5/12/19
MAth : revision bank-3
Hindi : kaksha pariksha path sarvanam (4-12-19)
His : Friday will be class test
Geo : Human settlement material vegetation wed 4/12/2019
Sci : read ch-13,15 for class test will be on 5-12-19
Hindi : kaksha pariksha path-visheshan 3/12/19
Sci : Bring chart paper and sketch pen for activity on tuesday .
Read all ch- for revision test will be on saturday
Math : ch-perimeter & area ch-13 for test
Hindi : Hindi lahar shaur Q.5 pustak mai karo Q.4 copy mai karo
His : DO w/b ch-19 & do all Q/A from ch-18 in n.b.
Hindi : vaykran Q.1 ,3copy mai karo
Math : rev.ex Q.14,15
Hindi : visheshan padhkar aiye
His : Revise the content done
Geo : prepare human settlements for test 27/11/2019
Math : Ex 13.3 Q.3 (b), Rev ex Q.10
Hin : sarvanam Q.2 ,h
Math : Ex 13.1 Q.1 Q.2(a)
Rev Ex.Q.1,8,12,13,16
Sci : Read ch-11,12 for class test on tuesday
Sans.: avyay sabdo ka vakya mai prayog in n.b.
Math : Q.1 & 2 of ex 13.2
Hindi : vyakran sarvanam padhkar aiye
Math : Ex-13.1 Q.2 c,f Bring a coin & graph pencil ,ruler
Eng : G.G. DoQ.2 pg no 42
His : revise the content done in class
Comp : Do ex Q.1,4 pg no 52,53 in n.b.
Math : Ex.13.1 Q.2 a,b,c,d,e
Hindi : karak padhkar aiye
His : do Q./A ch - T.T. A. in n.b. (50-70)& G.R.
Math : Doremaining question of ex.18.3 Q8 of rev.ex.
Sci : Do Q.4,5,6, in n.b. ch-13
Guj :hindodo ane charnoma sparsh na shabdarth
Sans : dhaturup banae hai 5 lakaro nai in n.b.
Hindi: hindi vyakran vachan padhkar aiye
Do Q.1,4,6,7 in n.b.
Hindi : meri karnatak yatra w.b. Q.2 (3) , Q.4,5
Math : weekly test on monday 11/11/2019
Hindi : meri karnatak yatra shrutlekh
Eng : Q.3 b,c Q.4 b,c Q.5 b,c in n.b.
Math : remaining question of ex 18.2
Q.5,6 of rev ex.
PCB : complete ch-15 on saturday
Hindi : path 10 shabdarth
Geo : Q.1,2 in t.b. & Q.3 a Q.4 a Q.5 a,b, in n.b.
PCB : revise content done in class
Math : Q.3,Q.9,Q.10 , Ex. 18.1,Q.17,18,Reunion Ex.
Eng : Read the passage given on Pg No 8 of G.G.
Hindi : Path -10 padhkar aaie
PCB : complete Q/A of ch-12
Math : Do remaining questions of w.b.
His : Findout ans of ch-6
Math : Q.8 of ex 14.2
Q 7,4,8,10 of rev ex
Q.2,3 of ex 14.3
Hindi : chota jadugar path padhkar aaiye
Geo : test on 23/10/2019 wens.of ch-8
PCB : class test of ch-11 on 23-10-2019
Eng : complete Q.1,2,3, on pg 132 in g.g.
Math : Do Q.1 of ex14.2 and related questions
Pcb: Do Q.5 9(i,ii) ch-12 in n.b.
Math : do remaining Questions of ex14.1
Math : Remaining part Q.4 ,15 of rev ex.
Do remaining part of Q.2 of ex 14.1 & Q.3 of rev ex.
Eng : Complete q.2 given on pg.no.32 in t.b.
Hin : path 6 w.b. pra 5 (17)
Hin : path 6,pg27 Q.3(gh)
Geo : Read the content upto pg no 75 to 79
Maths : Remaining part of q.1 of ex 14.1 & q.2 of rev ex under ratio from m.m. pg 18
Math : Do m.m. book pg no 12 in l.s. sheet
Hindi : Path padhkar aaiye aur shabdarth likhiye
Math : remaining questions do at home of w.b.
Geo : Complete all the questions ans.of ch-11
Hindi : vyakran ling pra.2,3,4
Math : Do Q.1 e,b of ex 9.2
Q.8 from rev.ex. Q.4 of sumattive assessment.
Sci : Do Q-4,5,6,7 in n.b. of ch-11
His : Complete the Q/A of ch-17
Math : Q.1 (d) in n.b. Q.2 of ex 9.2 and Q.17 and 18 of rev ex.
Geo : Find out the ans of given & read life of people on pg 111
Science : Do Q.6 (a) in n.b. ch-7
Math : Q.1 f , Q.5 of ex 9.2,
Q.9 of review ex
Note : Do Q 3,4,5,6 of ex 9.1 in n.b.
Eng : Write the new words of 8 no 9 of EE
Hindi : Chota jadugar padh padhkar aiye
Math : Q.1 of review ex.of ch-9
Hindi : Sanya pra.1,2,3 copy mai karo
His./civ.: Revise the content
Math : pan paper test on 13/09/19
PCB : Do Q 4,5,6 in n.b.
revise all chapters revision test will be on 16-09-19
T.l. : read given work
Eng : Do Q.5,6 in n.b.
Geo : Complete the ch-6 in n.b. final date for submission is 12/9/19
Eng : Complete Q/Ans of ch-16
math : do remaining q of ex 6.2,6.3
Hindi : prepare test on thursday grammar term 2 full syllabus
geo : do q.4 , q.5 (a,b) ,q.6 (a,b) in n/b
Hindi : hindi weekly test path upsag , pratyay , samas , muhavre
Math : w.b of ch - 5
His: Do Remaining parts of Re.v.ex.
TL : sanskrit - pragati, bharati, shabd roop banaiye.
PCB : Do Q.4,5 ,6,7 in n.b. ch-10
Sci : Do Q. 4,5 in n.b. ch-10
Hindi : Samas padhkar aiye
Math : Remaining part of ex-5.2 Q.5 of formative
assessment and question from mental math pg 6 add rule
Math : remaining parts of Q.1,2,4 of ex5.2 likotermand unlike term inMM
PCB: Do Q 6 a,b & Q.7 in n.b. of ch-9
Sanskrit : Guru ke shabdh rup
Geo : Read the sub topic zones of earth distribution of atmospheric presuure
Geo : Do Q.4,5 in w.b.
Eng : Learn any one of these poems 1.vagabond 2. world is too much with us 3. bongle sillirs
PCB : Do Q.4(c,d) 5,6 a in n.b.
Math : Remaining part of Q.1 to 7 of ex.5.1,
Questions from MM pg -6 under mononomial etc
Sci : Read ch-4 & 7 from MCQ on friday
sci. bring material for activity on thursday (white & pink coloured play dough, cardborad ,sketch pens
Hindi : Speaking activity on monday
Math : Do Q.1 to 9 remaining part of rev.ex. And do Q.13,14,15,16,17
PCB : Note : bring white and pink coloured play dough,cardboard , sketch pens for activity on 29-8-19
Geo : Do q.6,7,in n.b.
Eng : Complete q/a of ch-14
His: Find out q/a of Delhi sultanate
Math : remaining parts of ex-4.2 and 4.3
Eng : Civics Revise the content done
His. : Find out Q/A of tughloq dynasty
Pcb : Do Q.6 & 7 in n.b. of ch-8 submit on friday
Math : Q.1 and Q.3 of formattive assesment
Hindi : Muhavare adhkar aiye
Geo: Gradational landforms Do Q.4,5 in n.b.
PCB : Do Q.5 given on pg 97 of t.b. in n.b.
Maths : Revise ch-Rotational Numbers for test(19/8/19 ) remaining question
Eng : Complete Q.no.1 on pg no 108 in g.g.
Math : Do remaining part of review ex. except for q.3 and q.10
Pcb : Revise the topic done in class
Hindi : upsarga pra.3,4,5 copy mai kare.
English : learn new words of ch 3 of e.e
Math : ia symmetry (sketch pens , dividor or a pencil)
Math : do mental maths questions under line of symmetry q.1 of review exercise
Hindi : upsarg padhkar aie
Eng : read page no 31 to 33 of e.e.
Math : do q.4 ,5,and 6 in w.b.
Math : q.21 of rev exercise bring w.b on 10/8/19
pcb : complete workbook of ch-4
read ch - 5 of e.e.
Math- Q.2 of ex.3.4
Q.22 of review ex.
Q - 1,3,2,5,6, of Fermative assessment .
pcb: Class test on Tuesday ( ch-3 and 7)
geo : read the content taught in t.b,
make upper course,middle course and lower course concept map in n.b
pcb : revise the topic done in class
history : revise the topic and make extra q. done in class
math - remaining parts of ex 3.3 (Q 1,2 ,3 ) review ex q.17 ,23
hindi : path 5 shrutlekhan
geo - read the chapter up to pg no 34 in t.b
Math : Do Q.4 (b,d) Q.5 ,Q.6,Q.9,Q.13,Q.16 of review ex
hindi : path 5 sawan kavita shabdarth likho shrutlekh
hist./civics : complete the question answer of ch-13
Math : Do Q.6,Q.8,Q.12,&Q.20 of revision ex.
Pcb - Sci Do Q.4 5-d, Q.6 , Q.7 in n.b.
Hindi : Savan kavita padhkar aiye
Eng : Complete Q.1,2,3,4 on pg 14in G.G.
PCB : Do Q.4 (4-a) Q.5 (a,b,c) in n.b.
Hist.: Revise the content done
Math : Do Q.6,Q.8 of Rev. Ex.
His. : Revise content done & make time line of Mamluke dynasty in n.b.
I.E. Search mass related topic
Eng : Complete Q.1 to 5 on pg no 89-90 of G.G.
Hindi : Path-7 Shrutlekh pra.3 (gh) w.b. pg-19,20 prashn.5,6
Eng : Complete Q/A of l.no. - 3 of E.E.
Hist/Civics : Read pg no.130
Science : submit n.b. & w.b. on 26/07/19
S.S. Revise the content done
Hindi : Khel aur Khiladi padhkar ayiye aur shabdarth likho
Geo : Do related question in w.b.
Eng : Read lesson no.3 of E.E.
Hindi : Path- paryavaran ki suraksha aur ise jagaa yad kare.
Sci : Read ch-1 and ch-5 for class test on tuesday
Eng : Revise ch-1 of E.E.
Math : Ex. 8.2 and review exercise
Geo : Do Ex. of Ch-Dyanamic earth in Geo n.b.
Math : Ex-8.1 in n.b.
Sci : Do Q.4 to 7 in n.b. of ch-2 and submit n.b. on 28/06/2019
Comp : Submission of n.b. (Ex.) , w.b. of GIMP on 25/06/2019
His : Submission of n.b. (Geo /Hist ) and w.b. on 28/06/2019
Math : Complete ex-6.1 and ex.6.2 , ex.6.3 (1,2)
Math : Ex-7.2 , review ex (1-10)
His / civ . : Complete the Q/A of ch 3
Geo : Q.3 a in n.b.
Maths : Ex.7.2
Comp : last date for submission of n.b. and w.b. of ch.1 is 22/06/2019
Maths : Ex-7.1 write in n.b.
His / civ : Revise the content done.
Science : Do W.B. of ch-6
Hindi : sandhi p-32,33 padhkar aiye
Hist./civics : Complete the Q/A of ch.2
Sci : Revise the topic done in class
Hindi : vyakran path -2 prashn 1, 4
Eng : Read ch no.2 of s.r.
S.s - Geo : On monday test of ch.1,2
Hindi : Hindi vyakran ki pustak lani hai .
Science : Revise the topic done in class.
S.S : complete question answer of ch.no.12
20/4/2019(Home Work)
Hindi : Path -3 shabdarth pg-14 Bhasha Samje Q-3 ,meri Dairy
Math :Do Q- 3 of ex 2.3 and Q-3 Rev ex
27/4/2019(Home Work)
Eng :Complete Que no-4,5,6,7,8 on pg-63-64 in G.G
29/4/2019(Home Work)
Math :Do Q-2,,3,4 in n.book of ch-2