

Ch – 1 Types of Software

Textbook Answer

Workbook Answer


Digital Citizenship

Task 1: Resource

Go through the module and learn about data cleaning

Resource link:


Task 2: Resource

Go through the PPT and learn about clickbait.

Resource link:


Task 3: Assessment

Quiz link:


Task 4: Resource

Go through the PPT and learn about social media.

Resource link:


Task 5: Resource

Go through the PPT and learn about online communication.

Resource link:


Task 6: Assessment

Quiz link:


Task 7: Resource

Go through the PPT and learn about digital etiquette.

Resource link:


Task 8: Resource

Go through the video and learn about What is the right age to start using Social Media.

Resource link:


Task 9: Assessment

Quiz link:


Task 10: Module Feedback

Form link:



Chapter - 1 - Computer Software



Practice Worksheet

Chapter 7

Chapter 8



Chapter - 7 - Computer Malware

Achievement Test

Chapter - 8 - Python Conditional Statements

Achievement Test



Chapter - 3

Achievement Test

Chapter 03 

Tinkercad Circuitts


Chapter - 6 

Achievement Test

Chapter 4 

Achievement Test



Practice Worksheet


Link to upload the project file


 Project  (10 marks ) Click the below Project work link to open the PDF

Project Work

Last Date of Submission : 29/08/2022


Chapter 06 Cloud Computing

Chapter 04 More on HTML

Ch.Tinkercad Circuits :

Ch. Python:Conditional Statements 

1.Which of the following is a type of program that either pretends to have, or is described as having, a set of useful or desirable features but actually contains damaging code.
A) Trojans
B) Viruses
C) Worm
D) Adware
E) Bots

Which of the following is a program capable of continually replicating with little or no user intervention?
A) Virus
B) Trojan horses
C) Rootkit
D) Worms
E) Bots



2.Which of  the following is a software that, once installed on your computer, tracks your internet browsing habits and sends you popups containing advertisements related to the sites and topics you’ve visited?
A) Backdoors
B) Adware
C) Malware
D) Bots
E) Spyware



3.What is the software called that’s designed to exploit a computer user and is a broad term covering computer viruses, worms, Trojan, adware, etc.?
A) Backdoors
B) Key-logger
C) Malware
D) Bots
E) Spyware



4.What is the software called which when get downloaded on computer scans your hard drive for personal information and your internet browsing habits?
A) Backdoors
B) Key-logger
C) Malware
D) Antiware
E) Spyware



5._________ are computer programs that are designed by attackers to gain root or administrative access to your computer.
A) Backdoors
B) Rootkits
C) Malware
D) Antiware
E) Spyware



6.There are _________ types of computer virus.
d) 12



7.A computer ________ is a malicious code which self-replicates by copying itself to other programs.
a) program
b) virus
c) application
d) worm


8.Which of them is not an ideal way of spreading the virus?
a) Infected website
b) Emails
c) Official Antivirus CDs
d) USBs



9.Virus in computer is related ___________






11) Computer Virus is a _______.

A. Hardware

B. Software

C. Bacteria

D. Freeware





Chap 2 Functions and charts in calc
Solved Exercise
Grade 7                                                               Subject:Computer
Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
a. The #Name?   error means that there is an error in the formula, range or name of the function.
b. The  relative cell reference   is a location – based  cell reference.
c. The line  chart is used to illustrate the changes in a value over a period of time.
d. The  sorting feature of the calc worksheet allows you to rearrange data in an efficient manner.
e. The filtering   feature helps to quickly extract data from the spreadsheet that meets certain criteria.
Q.2 Identify the type of cell reference.
a. = c1 + d1    
Ans.   Relative reference
b. =$A$1 + $B$1
Ans.   Absolute reference
c. =A2 + B2 +C2
Ans. Relative reference
d. = $A$1 + $B$1
Ans. Absolute reference
Q.3 What will be the output of the following functions in calc.
a. = upper(“mango”)
b. =LEN(“Social studies”)
Ans. 14
c. =ROUND(855456666;3)
Ans. 855456666
Ans. 22:30:02
e. = GCD(80:6:8)
Ans. Err:502
f. =LCM(68;4)
Ans. 68

Q.4 Do as directed.
A. identify the types of charts shown below.
*         charts are given in book                
Ans. 1)Pie chart                                         Ans.2) Column Chart
Q.5 Answer the following  questions?
a. What are the different errors that can occur while using functions in calc?
2. #Name?
3. #REF!
4.#VALUE! error
5. #DIV/0! error
b. What is cell reference? Explain the different types of cell references.
Cell referencing is the format used for addressing  a particular cell in a formula or a function.
Types of cell reference.
1.   Relative reference
A relative cell reference is a location based cell reference.
Ex.  =c1+d2
2.   Absolute reference
Absolute cell referencing is done by typing a dollar sign ($) in front of the row and column.
Ex. =A3*B3*$B$7
3.   Mixed reference
Ex. = $B1 + $C1
c. Why do we use charts in open office calc?
Ans. Charts allows us to view data in a visual way. This helpsus analyse data quickly and effectively.
d. Explain the following charts. Give an example of where they can be used.
i. Pie chart
Use it to show breakdown of data in terms of proportion , so as to display the contribution of each value to a total.
Example . android ruled the smart phone market with a share of 40% of the total.
ii. Line chart
Use it to illustrate changes in a value over a period of time.
Example: imports fell drastically between 2007 and 2008.